All that you want to know about implantation bleeding

In this article, you will learn about-

Implantation bleeding: an Introduction.

Implantation bleeding: causes.

Implantation bleeding: symptoms.

Implantation bleeding: Treatment.

Implantation bleeding: an Introduction

The fertilized egg travels down and attached to the wall of the uterus which results in mild bleeding this is called as implantation bleeding. Women often misunderstood it with the period as it likely occurs around their due date of the period but there is the difference in implantation bleeding and your monthly period. In the implantation bleeding the color of blood varies from the regular period bleeding it could be light pink to dark brown in shade and it last for only 48 hours not for 5 to 7 days. Normally it does not require any medical attention but if it last for long, do contact your medical adviser.

Implantation bleeding: causes.

As stated above the implantation bleeding is the result of fertilized egg attached to the lining of uterine. The cell mass makes its way to further development and attaches to the wall which results in shielding of the wall a little and causes light pigmented bleeding.

Implantation bleeding: symptoms.

One can take implantation as an early sign of pregnancy. There are signs and symptoms listed down there which help a woman to understand the implantation bleeding:

  1. Early bleeding – you will bleed earlier to the due date of your period.
  2. Change in color – the color would be of light pink.
  3. Duration of bleeding – it will up to 48 hours only if it last longer. Prepare yourself to say hello to your doctor then.
  4. Mood swings – you will start noticing that there are random changes in your mindset or mood.
  5. You will feel tired – your body will feel low and demand rest.
  6. Dizziness – implantation bleeding can bring you to the state of dizziness.
  7. A headache – that is a very common symptom of implantation bleeding and often misunderstood with other factors.
  8. Increase in the size of breast – you will notice tenderness and swollen breast.
  9. Nausea- pregnancy hits the certain hormones secretions in the body like estrogen which causes. Sometimes it is followed by vomiting.
  10. It may cause constipation.
  11. It will give you feel of supernatural with increased sense of smell
  12. You will a raise in body temperature.

Implantation bleeding: Treatment.

Implantation bleeding is completely normal. 50% of women have it at the time of pregnancy. If Occur after 6 to 12 day of pregnancy. It doesn’t require any type of treatment unless some complication happens. If you observe bleeding for more than 48 hours does visit your doctor. For implantation bleeding doctor recommended not to use tampons, it may cause harm to your body.

This article is for educational purpose only; it doesn’t provide any medical advice or assistance .

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