Author Archives: Dr. Anand Dhingra

what are the benefits of prenatal yoga?

Antenatal yoga may be a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centring, and focused breathing. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and may have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies. 

Prenatal yoga can: 

Improve sleep 

Reduce stress and anxiety 

Increase the energy, flexibility, and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches, and shortness of breath 

Prenatal yoga also can help you meet and bond with other pregnant women and prepare for the strain of being a new parent. 

What happens during a typical prenatal yoga class? 

A typical prenatal yoga class might involve: 

Breathing. you will be encouraged to focus on inhaling and out slowly and deeply through the nose. Prenatal yoga breathing techniques might assist you to reduce or manage shortness of breath during pregnancy and run through contractions during labour. 

Gentle stretching. You will be encouraged to carefully move different areas of your body, like your neck and arms, through their full range of motion. 

Postures. While standing, sitting, or lying on the ground, you’ll gently move your body into different positions aimed toward developing your strength, flexibility, and balance.  Props — like blankets, cushions, and belts — could be wont to provide support and luxury. 

Calm down and relaxation. At the end of every prenatal yoga class, you’ll relax your muscles and restore your resting pulse rate and breathing rhythm. you would possibly be encouraged to concentrate on your own breathing, pay close attention to sensations,  thoughts, and emotions, or repeat a mantra or word to bring on a state of self-awareness and inner calm.

Are there special safety guidelines for prenatal yoga? 

To protect you and your baby’s health during prenatal yoga, follow basic safety guidelines. For  example: 

Talk to your health care provider. Before you start a prenatal yoga program, make sure you’ve got your health care provider’s OK. You would possibly not be able to do prenatal yoga if you’re at increased risk of preterm labour or have certain medical conditions, like cardiovascular disease or back problems. 

Set realistic goals. for most pregnant women, a minimum of half-hour of moderate physical activity is suggested on a minimum of five, if not all, days of the week. However, even shorter or less frequent workouts can still assist you to stay in shape and prepare for labour. 

Pace yourself. If you cannot speak normally while you’re doing prenatal yoga, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard. 

Stay cool and hydrated. Practice antenatal yoga in a well-ventilated room to avoid overheating.  Drink lots of fluids to stay yourself hydrated. 

Avoid certain postures. When doing poses, bend from your hips — not your back — to take care of normal spine curvature. Avoid lying on your stomach or back, doing deep forward or backwards bends, or doing twisting poses that put pressure on your abdomen. you’ll modify twisting poses so you only move your upper back, shoulders, and skeletal structure. 

When your pregnancy progresses, use props during postures to accommodate changes in your centre of gravity. If you wonder whether a posture is safe, ask your instructor for guidance.

Don’t overdo it. concentrate on your body and the way you are feeling. Start very slow and avoid positions that are beyond your level of experience or comfort. Stretch only as far as you’d have before pregnancy. 

If you experience any pain or other red flags — like vaginal bleeding, decreased foetal movement, or contractions — during prenatal yoga, stop and get in touch with your health care provider. 

How do I select a prenatal yoga class? 

Look for a program taught by a teacher who has training in prenatal yoga. Consider observing a  class before time to make sure you’re comfortable with the activities involved, the instructor’s  style, the class size, and therefore the environment

Pregnancy stages and changes

If you’re pregnant, your body is experiencing major change. From symptoms that you simply might expect to ones that are completely out of the blue, every woman will have a special pregnancy experience.

It’s helpful to possess a thought of how your body may react to the various stages of pregnancy. It also helps to understand how pregnancy can affect your emotions and feelings.

Changes to your body that will indicate pregnancy

You can first, realize that you’re pregnant when you miss your period. That’s a good time to take a pregnancy test or speak with your doctor.

In pregnancy, you may experience some (or all, or even none) of the following symptoms:

  • aches and pains (possibly in your lower abdomen and in your joints)
  • morning sickness, which may be nausea or actual vomiting, and does not just happen in the morning
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • A need to urinate more often
  • Back pain
  • Tiredness
  • Vaginal thrush
  • Skin changes and itching, and possibly skin tags
  • Hemorrhoids (also known as piles)
  • Leg cramps
  • Restless legs (leg twitching at night)
  • Varicose vein
  • Swelling in your ankles, feet and hands
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Fatigue, or lack of energy
  • Nasal problems, or shortness of breath
  • Larger, tender breasts.
  • Divya Garbh Classes has more information about these pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy stages

We talk about three stages of pregnancy: first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester. Some physical and emotional experiences are more common in each of these trimesters.

First trimester

In the first trimester:

  • You feel really tired and possibly nauseous.
  • You gain 1 or 2 kilograms, or even less if you’ve got nausea. Most of this weight is within the placenta (which feeds your baby), your breasts, your uterus, and additional blood.
  • Your heartbeat and breathing rate are faster.
  • Your breasts become tender, larger, and heavier.
  • Your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder, so you are feeling such as you got to urinate tons.
  • You may feel swinging moods.
  • You know exactly how you are feeling about having a baby, otherwise you haven’t any idea the way to feel!

Second trimester

In the second trimester:

  • You start to feel better, with less fatigue, nausea and moodiness.
  • You may feel your mind is wandering and not focused at work or at home.
  • You gain about 6 kilograms.
  • You can feel anxious about tests (including a USG) done at this stage. But, if they find any health issues, these tests will make sure you and your baby receive the proper care.
  • Your hair can become thicker and your fingernails may become stronger. Or, your nails could also be softer and break more easily.
    You may crave some foods, like sweet, spicy or fatty foods.
  • You may not just like the taste or smell of some foods.

Third trimester

In the third trimester:

  • Forgetfulness may continue.
  • You feel tired and probably uncomfortable.
  • You may be annoyed by the discomfort.
  • You may start to stress about labor because it nears.
  • You probably gain about five kilograms. Much of this weight is your baby, but also amnionic fluid, the placenta, your breasts, your blood and your uterus.
  • You may have back pain.
  • You may find it hard to sleep because you’re uncomfortable.
  • The baby could also be placing pressure on your lungs, making it harder to breathe.
  • You may feel Braxton Hicks contractions (tightening of the muscles of the uterus). they are doing not mean labor is starting.

Your feelings and emotions during pregnancy

During the pregnancy, you’ll probably feel many ups and downs. you’ll experience some or all of those emotions (and they’ll change quickly):

  • surprise – if your pregnancy is unexpected. you’ll then feel joy (if you welcome the pregnancy) or fear (if you’re unsure about the change to your life) or both
  • happiness, particularly if you’ve got been trying to have a baby and you are feeling well
  • anger, which may result from your body’s hormonal changes, from a way of being vulnerable, or from pregnancy symptoms that are uncomfortable or painful
  • fear for the baby’s health, if you’ve got concerns about your baby having an illness or disability. If you’re worried a few particular risks, ask your midwife or doctor
  • fear of birth, which may be a recognized mental disorder. Counseling and talking together with your midwife or doctor can assist you to overcome this fear
  • love for baby, your partner, and your family
  • sadness or disappointment if you’ve got illness or complications during your pregnancy, otherwise you can’t have the birth plan that you simply would like
  • general sadness about the world, whereby you discover it hard to observe the news or hear sad stories about children or families
  • grief, if you suffer a miscarriage, a loss at a later stage of pregnancy, or a stillbirth
  • prolonged sadness from perinatal depression. during this case, you’ll need the assistance of health specialists.

Mood swings during pregnancy

The hormones changing in your body mean you’ll probably have heightened emotions, both positive and negative. And you’ll probably swing between these emotions.

While you’ll be overjoyed about having a baby, you’ll even be stressed and overwhelmed. you’ll feel worried about whether:

  • your baby will affect your relationship together with your partner
  • you will cope financially
  • you will be ready to juggle work and parenting
  • you will be an honest mother
  • the baby is going to be healthy
  • your children will accept and love the new baby.

You may also, feel unimpressed together with your changing body. you’ll be worried about putting on an excessive amount of weight, or not enough. Or not having the ability to try to to the physical activity that you simply usually do. Or not looking attractive to your partner. Add the hormone-induced fatigue, forgetfulness, and moodiness, and you’ll feel completely out of control. this is often all common.

Anxiety during pregnancy

You can be feeling quite anxious about your pregnancy and about being a parent. Many pregnant women feel some anxiety, but a couple of developing a mental disorder that needs treatment.

Symptoms of a mental disorder include:

  • constant worry, stress, or nervousness
  • muscle tension and teeth clenching
  • not ever feeling calm
  • not having the ability to sleep well or for long
  • panic attacks.

Other serious issues during pregnancy

Some pregnant women develop mental illnesses that are a big risk to both them and their children. Other women may have already got a mental disease that’s harder to manage during pregnancy. In particular, specialist health care is required for pregnant women with:

  • bipolar disorder (of which pregnancy may trigger the primary episode), with manic highs and depressive lows
  • schizophrenia
  • eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The risks include a loss of nutrition for your baby, an increased risk of miscarriage, and anemia.

Importance of chanting mantra in pregnancy

The practice of Garbhsanskar starts with the recitation of mantra. In Śabda Kalpadrumam mantra has been defined as the “mantaboha mananéyacya (mNtbaeh mnnIyCy),” which means repetition of a particular syllable. The origin of the mantra is unknown. Mantra reveals themselves to the person with higher consciousness or at transcendental state, you don’t create the mantra you discover them. Like when Shri Tulsidas discovered the Ramcharitmanas and wrote in and so the Veda’s. the sage witnessed the Veda they discovered it in their transcendental state and wrote them down. The Gayatri mantra is known as the most powerful mantra known to human it has been described in the Rig Veda. The Gayatri mantra was revealed to the sage Vishwamitra. It is also called Savit mantra since it concerns the deity Savit (Sun). According to the Indian culture, Gayatri initiated to a student before starting his/her formal education. It is said that chanting Gayatri mantra will bring the improvement in the dhī śakti that is the power of intellect).

There are many types of mantra depending upon the use of them in the day to day life. Scientific research it has been found that Veda mantra and prayers have a positive influence on many physiological and psychological functions in the body of mother and baby. As it has been already explained in the previous blog about how the fetus from in the womb from Sukuma sharir (subtle body) to isthul sharir (physical body) The mantras empower the sukshma sharir (subtle body) which results in the powerful isthul sharir (physical body). For example, both prayers and mantras, if recited 6 times a minute there was an increase in the synchronicity of cardiovascular rhythms. There was also an increase in baroflex sensitivity in the body. These discoveries suggest that the recitation of the prayer and certain Veda mantras, at specific frequencies, can induce favourable psychological and physiological effects in the person who is reciting them and in this case mother and her child. In a study, it has been found that the recitation of “Om” in twelve experienced meditators found subtle changes in the mental state indicated by a reduction in the skin resistance. Not only the Vedic mantra but the different types of meditation in Japanese Buddhism showed different brain regional activation. The chanting of Buddha name which is Nenbutsu activates the prefrontal cortex in the brain and the Buddhist sutra activates the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and right parietal cortex of the brain. Thus if a pregnant woman does chant these mantras she activating these parts of the brain of not only herself but the unborn baby as well. Thus the practice of garbh sanskar gives you the Devine child by introducing you to the right mantra to be chanted at the right time of the pregnancy. In the literature of Garbhsanskar, it has been mentioned in which time what mantra supposed to be chanted by mother along with its method and description to design your baby’s character in the womb only. this way you code the brain and behaviour of the baby along with his or her appearance by chanting mantra described in Garbhsanskar practice. Mantras have a very specific effect on the body of the person who is chanting it. It creates an effect on their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states. Mantra affects the energy levels and etheric or spiritual body, of the mother and the baby. it includes their chakras and Nadis (energy centres and channels) and aura also respond to the vibration of mantras. Thus mantra therapy in the Garbhsanskar is a great scientifically proved practice which helps the mother to bring the divine baby to earth who are physically mentally socially and emotionally highly developed.

Effect of coronavirus on pregnant women

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are zoonotic which means they can transfer from animals to humans. Coronavirus can cause many kinds of diseases ranging from the common cold to the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The novel coronavirus is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans but its genetic setup resembles the SARS up to 96%. 

In a review study about the coronavirus family, it has been found that 12 pregnant women were infected with SARS. Among these pregnant women, 57 % of women had a miscarriage in the first trimester and 40 % of women had fetal growth restriction. About 80 % of women had preterm birth delivery. 25% of women infected with SARS Coronavirus died during childbirth. In a study on pregnant women infected with MERS coronavirus, it has been found that 91% presented with adverse outcomes and 57 % neonates required admission to the intensive care unit. Two neonates were prematurely delivered and the mother had severe respiratory failure. 

There is limited information on the novel coronavirus currently but considering the similarities in the genetic makeup of novel coronavirus (2019 n-CoV) seems to have a similar pathogenic potential. When women get pregnant her immune system also changes which makes her more sensitive to respiratory infections therefore it is important to get vaccinated against influenza and whooping cough. The studies suggested that scientists are not aware of any respiratory virus that can reach the fetus. 

The common symptoms of coronavirus are infection in the respiratory tract, fever, cough, shortness of breathing or difficulties in breathing. In severe cases coronavirus can cause kidney failure, pneumonia, acute respiratory failure and sometimes even death. Standard recommendations to prevent infections to spread include:

  1. Regular hand washing and maintain good hygiene. 
  2. Covering mouth and nose while coughing 
  3. Avoid non-vegetarian food. 
  4. Avoid physical contact with those who show symptoms of infections like coughing and sneezing. 
  5. Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth with unclean hands. 

गर्भवती के कर्त्तव्य: गर्भ संस्कार के परिपेक्ष में

गर्भवती के कर्त्तव्य: गर्भ संस्कार के परिपेक्ष में

गर्भवती स्त्री के लिए हिन्दू महार्षियो और संतो ने अनेक नियम व कर्त्तव्य  बताते है उनमे से कुछ मुख्य नियम महर्षि पतंजलि ने विस्तार पूर्वक समझाए है. इन नियमों का पालन करने से गर्भवती को उत्तम संतान की प्राप्ति होती है. भारत में जो महान व्यक्तिव हुए है. उनके व्यक्तिव्य का निर्माण उनकी माता गर्भ में ही कर देती है. महान मानवों में उनकी महानता के बीज उनकी माता द्वारा गर्भ में ही डाल दिया जाता है, जिससे समय आने पर वही बीज एक महान वृक्ष की भाती अपने स्वरुप का दर्शन देता है. गर्भावस्था में माता का आचार विचार ही शिशु के स्वाभाव का निर्माण करता है. यही वह स्वभाविक और अति- आवश्यक क्रिया है जिसे सावधानी पूर्वक अनुभव  और क्रियान्वत करना चाहिए. यहाँ गर्भवती के कर्तव्यों के कुछ मुख्य नियम विस्तार पूर्वक बताये जा रहे है.

यह नियम निम्नलिखित है. 

  • अहिंसा सत्यास्तेय ब्रम्हाचर्या परिग्रहा यमाः .       ( योगदर्शन २\३०)
  • गर्भवती को चाहिए की वह  सभी प्रकार की हिंसा का त्याग करे. किसी भी प्राणी को किसी  भी प्रकार का कष्ट न प्रदान करे. 
  • गर्भवती को अपने मन का भाव जैसे का तैसा ही  प्रकट करना चाहिए, हितकारक प्रिय शब्दों में न अधिक न कम, निष्कपटता पूर्वक अपने भाव कहना चाहिए. 
  • किसी अन्य  का अधिकार या वस्तु नहीं छीननी चाहिए और न ही चुराना चाहिए. 
  • गर्भवती को सभी प्रकार के मैथुन ( मानसिक और शारीरिक) का त्याग करना चाहिए, यही ब्रम्हचर्य है इससे शिशु में भी ब्रम्हचारी का गुण आता है. 
  • जितना शरीर के लिए आवश्यक हो उतना ही ले. पदार्थो का संग्रह न करे इससे शिशु में संतुष्टता के स्वाभाव का निर्माण होता है जो उसके भावी जीवन में उसे बड़ा सहायक होता है. यह शिशु के लालची और कपटी होने से उसकी  रक्षा करता है. 

इन महान व्रतों का पालन करने से गर्भवती स्त्री महान संतान को जन्म देती है जो देश ,समाज और परिवार की प्रतिष्ठा को बढ़ता है. 

  • शौच संतोष तपः स्वध्यायेश्वर प्रणिधानानि नियमाः . ( योगदर्शन २\३२)
  • गर्भवती को चाहिए की वह सभी प्रकार अंदर ( मानसिक और शारीरक ) और बाहर ( त्वजा, वस्त्र, वातावरण) की स्वछता और पवित्रता का ध्यान रखे.  
  • जो भी भगवन इच्छा से प्राप्त हो  फिर चाहे वह दुःख हो या सुख उनमे संतुष्ट रहे अर्थात यदि परिस्थिति ठीक नहीं है फिर भी धैर्य का त्याग न करे.
  • मन और इन्द्रियों को संयम पूर्वक रखे, धर्म का पालन करे यही तप है इससे भावी संतान में तपोगुन की  वृद्धि होगी जिससे शिशु में कर्मठता के बीज का निर्माण होगा और परिश्रम उसके स्वभाव में होगा.
  • ईश्वर के नाम और गुणों का वाचन  और पठन करना चाहिए. सात्विक और प्रेरणादायक और शुभ पुस्तकों का पाठ करना चाहिए.
  • सभी कुछ ईश्वर पर छोड़ कर उनका ध्यान करना चाहिए अपने सभी कर्मो को ईश्वर को समर्पित कर देना चाहिए इससे शिशु में भक्ति का बीज पड़ता है और जिस मानव में भक्ति है वह कभी अधर्म में नहीं जा सकता. भक्ति उसे अंत में सद्गति भी  दिला देती है. 

इस तरह माता अपने भावी शिशु के पूर्ण जीवन का रेखा चित्र गर्भ अवस्था में ही बना देती है.

  • धृतिः क्षमा दमोअस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः

           धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्म लक्षणं . ( मनु. ६/९२)

  • गर्भवती को सावधानी पूर्वक अपने विचारो का ध्यान व निरक्षण  रखना चाहिए. भारी दुःख होने पर भी बुद्धि को विचलित नहीं होने देना चाहिए इससे शिशु में धृति का निर्माण होता है.  यही बीज आगे चल कर शिशु के स्वाभाव में स्थिरता लाता है और उसके आत्मसम्मान को ऊचा बनाता है. 
  • गर्भवती को किसी  से भी द्वेष नहीं रखना चाहिए उसे सभी को क्षमा कर देना चाहिए इससे उसके शिशु में उदारता का गुण आता है. 
  • बहुत ही सावधानी पूर्वक गर्भवती को अपनी  बुद्धि सात्विक रखनी चाहिए. यही आचरण शिशु में  “धी “ नामक शक्ति का बीज निर्माण करता है. इससे शिशु जीवन पर्यंत सात्विक आचरण का पालन करता है. 
  • गर्भवती को सत्य और असत्य में भेद करना चाहिए, सत्य और असत्य के पदार्थ का ज्ञान ही विद्या है. माता के इसी  आचरण से शिशु में विवेक के बीज का निर्माण होता है. जो जीवन पर्यंत उसको लाभ देता है .
  • गर्भवती को इन्द्रियो को वश में रखना चाहिए इसी  को इन्द्रिय निग्रह कहा जाता है. इस तरह करने से शिशु में संयम के बीज का निर्माण होता है और वह भविष्य में लोभ और लालच से बचा रहता है जिससे वह जीवन पर्यंत सुख का अनुभव करता है. 
  • यतः प्रव्रतिर्भुतानां येन सर्वमिदं ततम् 

           स्वकर्मणा तमभ्यचर्य सिद्धिं विन्दति मानवः ( गीता १८/४६)

  • यह श्लोक गीता का है जिसमे श्री कृष्णा अर्जुन से कहते है की हे अर्जुन ! जिस परमात्मा से सर्वभूतो की उत्पत्ति हुई है और जिससे सर्वजगत व्याप्त है उसी  परमेश्वर ( श्री कृष्णा/ नारायण / शिव/ गायत्री ) को अपने स्वभाविक कर्मो द्वारा पूजकर मनुष्य परम सिद्धि को प्राप्त करता है. 
  • इस श्लोक में गर्भवती के लिए निर्देश है की वह स्वार्थ का त्याग करके उत्तम कर्मो का आचरण निष्काम भाव से करे. इस तरह निष्काम भाव से सदाचार का पालन करने पर शिशु में सदाचार का बीज का निर्माण होता है जिससे भविष्य में वह अहंकार से मुक्त रहता है. अहंकार ही जीवन को नष्ट करने के लिए पर्याप्त है, माता द्वारा सदाचार का बीज गर्भावस्था में ही मिल जाने पर बालक सदेव अहंकार से मुक्त रहता है और जीवन में सफलता अर्जित करता है. 

इस तरह गर्भ संस्कार के नियमों का पालन करते हुए माता न सिर्फ अपना बल्कि अपने शिशु का भी आत्मा का उद्धार कर देती है. 

Role of the subtle body (sukshma Sharir) in fetus development by Garbh Sanskar

It’s been the question of the era when does a soul enters the body of the fetus. What is the effect of energy, aura and energy chakras on fetus development? All these questions can be answered by understanding the concept of the subtle body in fetus development. In the science of Garbh Sanskar, it has been explained that how a fetus (body) forms in the womb and when does the soul enters the fetus.

According to the Veda’s physical body is made up of three collective bodies. That is STHUL, SUKSHMA, and KARAN (physical, subtle/ psychological, causal). In this article, you will learn the effect of (SUKSHMA) subtle or psychological or functional body on fetus development.

Introduction to the subtle body 

The mediator of the soul is the subtle body (SUKSHMA SHARIR) and the mediator of the subtle body is the physical body (STHUL SHARIR). The subtle body is also known as the etheric body or functional body and this etheric body constructs the physical body with the help of PANCH TATVA (Five basic elements that are Sky, earth, water, fire, and space). The physical and psychological development of the body completely depends on these five elements. In physical body blood, skin, muscle and other organ systems are made up of these five elements. In the subtle body these five elements are rudimentary (TANMATRA), which are sound in space and, touch in the sky, visibility in the fire, taste in water and smell in the earth. In VEDA these five elements are also known as the layers of soul or the boundaries of the soul. Just as the physical body has body parts like hands, chest, legs subtle body also has body parts and these body parts are energy centers (URJA CHAKRA) of the body.

Development of fetus by subtle body  

According to the Ayurveda of Garbh Sanskar after conceiving first of all the subtle body forms in the womb of pregnant women then soul comes to this subtle body after that with the help of PANCH TATVA formation of the physical body happens. Thus with the help of subtle body and PANCH TATVA living being forms which consist of 24 physical entities or elements. 

Let’s understand it step by step:

  1. When women conceive the formation of the subtle body starts, one by one all the rudiments of subtle body forms and join together to form the body. There are a total of 19 numbers of elements in sukshma sharir or subtle body. They are four Antahkarana namely man budhhi, chitta ahankar, five pranas, and vishaya or tanmatras, ten indriya.
  2.  Once the 19 elements of sukshma sharir or subtle body come together and the formation of sukshma sharir subtle take place soul enters in that subtle body. This process takes place in 40 to 48 days approx. that’s why in Hinduism it is prohibited to do an abortion after 40 days of pregnancy because in 40 days the Jeeva or soul enters the muscular body of the fetus. 
  3. Once the soul enters in the subtle body, the subtle body and soul together build the physical body sthul sharir of the fetus. 

In the literature of Garbh Sanskar, it has been mentioned that the soul doesn’t stay in fetus all the time it comes and goes from time to time. From this, we can conclude that the development of a fetus doesn’t take place continuously but it’s a periodic process. 

Ulcerative colitis in pregnancy

Ulcerative colitis is a refractory, chronic disease usually occurs in the rectum or entire colon. It is the most common type of IBD ( Inflammatory bowel disorder). This disease can affect self-esteem, relationships, and pregnancy. 

Effect of ulcerative colitis disease on pregnancy 

Pregnant women suffering from Ulcerative colitis have a worse outcome in pregnancy than those who are not patient of ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis in pregnancy can lead to 

  1. Preterm delivery 
  2. Stillbirth 
  3. Cesarean section delivery 
  4. Congenital abnormalities.
  5. Low birth weight.
  6. Abortion 
  7. Preeclampsia 
  8. Abruptio Placentae
  9. Prolonged premature rupture of membranes 
  10. Eclampsia 

According to scientific studies it has been observed that women in remission at the time of conception and remained in remission throughout the pregnancy do not affect such as cesarean section birth, abortions, preterm delivery, and congenital abnormalities and did not affect birth weight. From this study, we can conclude that the safe time to get pregnant for women suffering from ulcerative colitis is at the time of remission.  

Most physicians advise their female patients to conceive while their disease is in remission and to continue their medications throughout the pregnancy to avoid worse pregnancy outcomes and to maintain remission. 

Effect of pregnancy on ulcerative colitis 

According to the scientific data females patients who conceive while ulcerative colitis is in remission, the ulcerative colitis tends to remain in remission throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period, and females patient who conceives while in the active state of ulcerative colitis, the disease ( UC) tends to remain in stable state in 24% of pregnant women and 45% of pregnant women have worse outcome in pregnancy but in remaining 31 % the disease goes back in remission. 

The evaluation of pregnancy in women with symptoms of active ulcerative colitis UltraSound for imaging is preferred. Magnetic resonance imaging is also safe but it will be better if one avoids the use of gadolinium in the first trimester of pregnancy. 

Herbal and natural treatment of ulcerative colitis 

  1. Alkaline Kangen water.
  2. Yoga – Yoga is the key to soothing UC. To Ulcerative colitis, Surya namaskar Asana and ANLOM VILOP Pranayama play a very active role in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. 
  3. Wheatgrass juice 
  4. Turmeric – curcumin the active ingredient of turmeric helps to fight off ulcerative colitis. 
  5. Aloe vera 
  6. Tormentil extract 
  7. Butyrate
  8. Anti-inflammatory diet 
  9. Fruits – Apple, huckleberry, bael, grapes Indian gooseberry.
  10. Green tea.
  11. Cinnamon 

Nutrition requirement in pregnancy

Nutritional counselling is the cornerstone of prenatal care for pregnant women. The nutritional status of a pregnant woman not only affect herself but also influences the health of the unborn baby. One needs to pay close attention to the nutritional value of food in the diet of pregnant women as her nutritional requirement is different from nonpregnant women and people. The nutritional requirement is influenced by race-ethnicity, age, body mass index, cultural food choice, socioeconomic status. In this article, you will learn about the maternal physiological adaptations as well as macro and micronutrient requirements of pregnant women during pregnancy. 

Energy expenditure during pregnancy 

From Garbh Sanskar the estimated calorie requirement for a pregnant lady to support the full course of pregnancy is 80,000 kcal. From this value, we can conclude that the caloric intake of pregnant women is increased by 300 kcal/day during pregnancy. The energy requirement for pregnant women first trimester is the same as for nonpregnant women. For the second trimester, the energy requirement is 340 kcal per day and for the third trimester, it is 452 kcal per day. The energy requirement may vary significantly depending upon the medical condition, BMI, age and physical activity level. 

Physiological changes during pregnancy 

Physiological changes during pregnancy alter normal ranges of several laboratory values of pregnant women. The volume of both RBC and plasma increases during pregnancy, but the rate of increase of plasma is higher than RBC, therefore, haemoglobin less than 10.5 g/dl considered anaemic during the second trimester. The total serum protein also decreases by approximately 30% compared to the value of nonpregnant women. The free levels of vitamin D, thyroid hormones, corticosteroids, and sex steroids decrease in pregnant women in comparison to nonpregnant women. 


         Macronutrients – 

Protein- the protein intake of pregnant women is 60g/day, which is a 14 g/day more than a nonpregnant woman. In other words, this increase reflects a change of 1.1 g of protein /kg of body weight/ day from 0.8g of protein/kg/ day for nonpregnant women. 

Carbohydrate – the carbohydrate should wave off 45-64% of the daily calorie requirement and pregnant women should take this carbohydrate in 6 to 9 servings of whole-grains daily. 

Fat- the fat should contribute 20% to 35% of daily calories to pregnant women this data is similar to nonpregnant. 


Pregnant women required 200-800µg of folic acid daily to fulfil the physical requirements of the body. The folic acid synthetic form of naturally occurring B vitamin, and folate. The natural source of folate is a dark green leafy vegetable, nuts, and citrus food. Women with a history of a neural tube defect in a prior pregnancy should take a higher dose of 4mg of folic acid daily for the next pregnancy. The iron requirement for pregnant women is twice the amount of iron required by nonpregnant women. Garbh Sanskar standard prenatal iron requirement for pregnant woman is 27mg. vitamin C supplements help with iron absorption whereas tea and milk can inhibit iron absorption in the body. Vitamin D is manufactured by the skin when it exposes to the Sun. it is a fat-soluble vitamin and found in milk and juices. Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption. The deficiencies of vitamin D in pregnancy can high risk of rickets and fractures. The optimal level of vitamin D required in pregnancy has not been established yet. Vitamin A is essential for the proliferation and differentiation of cells and their development into the heart, spine, eyes, ears. The maximum supplement of vitamin A is 8000 IU/day. The excessive doses of vitamin A can cause cardiac and facial birth defects in the newborn baby. 

Daily dietary allowance for pregnant women. 

Nutrient  Non-pregnant  Pregnant women
Vitamin A (µg/d) 700 1300
Vitamin D (µg/d) 5 15
Vitamin E (µg/d) 15 15
Vitamin K(µg/d) 90 90
Folate (µg/d) 400 600
Niacin mg/d 14 18
Riboflavin mg/d 1.1 1.4
Thiamin (mg/d) 1.1 1.4
Vitamin B6 (mg/d) 1.3 1.9
Vitamin B12 (µg/d) 2.4 2.6
Vitamin C (mg/d) 2.4 2.6
Calcium (mg/d) 1,000 1,000
Iron (mg/d) 18 27
Phosphorus (mg/d) 700 700
Selenium (µg/d) 55 60
Zinc (mg/d) 8 11

Typical composition of micronutrient in a prenatal vitamin 

Component  Amount 
Vitamin A 4000 IU as beta carotene 
Vitamin D3 400 IU as cholecalciferol 
Vitamin E 11 IU take it as dl- alpha tocopheryl acetate 
Folic acid  800µg
Niacin  18 mg as niacinamide 
Riboflavin  1.7 mg as thiamin mononitrate 
Thiamin  1.5 mg
Vitamin B6 2.6 mg as pyridoxine hydrochloride 
Vitamin B12 4µg as cyanocobalamin 
Vitamin C 100mg as ascorbic acid 
Calcium  150mg as calcium carbonate 
Iron  27 mg as ferrous fumarate 
Zinc  25mg as zinc oxide 

Table: Diagnostic testing along with prophylaxis and treatment of micro and macronutrient deficiencies in pregnancies after bariatric surgery.

Component  Diagnostic testing(serum) Prophylaxis Treatment if deficient
Protein Serum albumin and prealbumin 60g protein/day Protein supplements
Vitamin A Vitamin A, if clinically indicated 4000 IU/day in prenatal vitamin Vitamin A not to exceed 8000 IU/day
Vitamin D 25-hydroxy vitamin D, if clinically indicated 400-800 IU/day in prenatal vitamin Calcitriol (vitamin D)1000 IU/day
Vitamin K Vitamin K1, if clinically indicated Not routinely given Vitamin K1 1 mg/day Consult with hematologist
Folic acid Complete blood count, red blood cell folate 600-800 μg/day in prenatal vitamin Folic acid 1000μg/day
Vitamin B12 Complete blood cell count, Vitamin B12 4 μg/day in prenatal vitamin Oral vitamin B12 350μg/day orIntramuscular1000 μg/month Consult with hematologist
Calcium Total and ionized calcium 250 mg/day in prenatal vitamin Calcium citrate 1000mg/day with Vitamin D
Iron Complete blood count, iron, ferritin, total iron binding capacity 30 mg/day in prenatal vitamin Ferrous sulfate 325 mg twice-three times/day with vitamin C

How Garbh Sanskar helps you to deal with pregnancy mood swings?

The news of being pregnant, the course of pregnancy and childbirth is unquestionably important moments in the life of a woman. Generally, many women around the world look forward to having her children and experience the pregnancy positively but one cannot deny that certain women aren’t happy with the news of being pregnant. There could be any possible reason behind it like psychological dispositions, life conditions and many more which triggers the negative emotion in pregnant women. These emotions substantially influence the behaviour of a pregnant woman during pregnancy and after delivery.

The factors which are responsible for mood swings are:

  • Emotions and mood.
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Neuroticism
  • Objective and subjective health status
  • Social relationships
  • Relationship with partner
  • Economic status
  • Woman’s previous maternal experience like miscarriage and birth defects
  • Skills related to pregnancy, maternity, and childbirth (labour).
  • The motive of pregnancy planned or unplanned also plays a specific role in a mood swing.

If we analyze all this data we can conclude that there are specifically three important factors which play an underlying role in mood swings during the pregnancy. Among them, the first factor is a concern with the personality of the women concerned with the ability to cope up with the burden, secondly her emotional stability and anxiety and at last the subjective and objective health status of the women and the child during pregnancy. During Garbh Sanskar one learns how to fight with emotional changes and how to bring emotional stability and a stable subject and object health during pregnancy. Garbh Sanskar teaching includes the technique which helps the pregnant woman to cope with the origin of these various factors. The following reasons are listed with the origin of the source of these factors and the Garbh Sanskar remedy to fight with them.

Origin of source Garbh Sanskar technique to fight with them:

Nausea: By herbal treatment

Fear of childbearing: By counselling

Social limitation: By well-planned pregnancy

The mood state can amplify the effects of other factors responsible for mood swings, therefore, a positive environment is very important for pregnant women like support while giving birth, optimistic personality helps to repress the inconveniences. One should pay proper attention to the health problems during pregnancy, sometimes the emotional instability is caused by physical issues which result in worries about the baby.

The women’s perception and expression, in general, play a very important role in a fight off the causes of mood swings. The maternal plans and skills of women influence mood swings during pregnancy. A woman’s previous pregnancies provide a vivid experience that is imprinted in the mother’s memory. The multiparous ( women with the experience of childbirth) are always better in handling mood swings in comparison to nulliparous ( women which no previous experience of childbirth) therefore in Garbh sanskar, it is recommended to stay in the joint family during pregnancy the experience of midwives helps the nulliparous to handle the pregnancy. The social and material life conditions of pregnant women are the third root cause of mood swings. It includes close relationships with society and necessary social support promising satisfactory and safe course of pregnancy and future maternity.

Along with this material or economic status of pregnant women and their families, the relationship with a partner should first be taken into account. The partner’s support is important for effective coping with stressful events. Conflict with the partner, fear of partner leaving pregnant women or aggressive behaviours towards pregnant women increase her insecurity regarding pregnancy and after birth. Family gathering as indicated in Garbh Sanskar the spiritual rituals helps a lot to fight off these emotions.

The mood swings and the proper remedy for its treatment are related to age and the health of women, her psychological preparedness for maternity, partnership status and social relationships and some material conditions they all together affect it.

Divya Garbh Sanskar: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice

A balanced and healthy nutritional status maintained by pregnant women during pregnancy help to grow strong, healthy placenta, which is the key factor for the birth weight and future health of the baby in adult life. Similarly, healthy positive emotions like joy, love, gratitude and positive thought by the parent ( mother, father and other family members) play a key role in the growth of the unborn child in the womb of the mother, Whereas negative thoughts, depression, anxiety, and stress injures the unborn baby. 

Hence the concept of Sanskar which means good thought is important and imparted right from the prenatal stage that is when the baby is in the womb of the mother. 

Many kinds of research have been conducted to observe the effect of the surrounding, psychological state of the mother, physical health and other various factors on the fetus.  The results of these researches are well documented and reveals that the activity of the mother during the time pregnancy ( gestational age) in the form of prayer (good rational thoughts), Manhshakti (positive emotion), words with baby(talk) or expressing physical touch and feel is not only recognized by the fetus but it also has positive effects on physical and mental health of the baby. Thus, in Divya garbh Sanskar program students ( pregnant women, to be mother, parents ) are being taught how to bring positivity in the unborn baby and performing such mental and physical activity to create a positive environment which results in obtaining a healthy growth of the baby. The Garbh sanskar is purely an intentional activity that helps to determine and develop an intuitive connection with the baby in the womb. It and helps and increases positive responses from baby by communication and bonding with baby, while Learning with Divya Garbh Sanskar you can transmit positive thoughts, love and emotions to the fetus, so that the unborn baby becomes happier, the likelihood of calm, and healthier baby after birth.

Thus Divya Garbh sanskar provides and teaches a scientific way of editing the baby in the womb by educating mothers and fathers( parents) to involve them with positive emotions and share it with the baby during the pregnancy. Divya Garbhsanskar brings awareness to the sensation, which pregnant women, to be mother and parents imbibe through her/their five senses, which can provide a positive environment for the baby to thrive. The roots of Garbh sanskar can be traced back to the VEDIC KAAL, Garbhsanskar was the key to building bring the personality of positivity like Vivekanand, Lord Buddha, Prahlad, Abhimanyu from Mahabharata. It all happens by the positive thoughts of their mother’s prayer, proper diet, and well-maintained lifestyle during pregnancy. One can learn all this from the organization “Divya Garbh Sanskar”. The Divya Garbhsanskar is working towards the goal of molding the future generation through the practice of Garbh sanskar. 

Divya Garbh Sanskar follows the methods of Garbh sanskar that are explained in Charaka Kriyas and also has been accepted by science today under the observation of experienced Team of Doctors. As a known fact this is a time of modernization, the modern society is losing their knowledge and backing of cultural customs with time. There was a time when this knowledge and cultural practice were the strong bonds in the building of our society. Divya Garbh Sanskar fills the gap and build a bridge between ancient knowledge and modern generation with the base of well-performed scientific study, towards the  loss of awareness and practice of Garbh sanskar, due to the change in the educational system , employment of parents and modern electronic gadgets which does not leave any time to pay attention to the old practice of garbh sanskar.

One of the major factors is a nuclear family, due to which there has been a lack of communication and exchanges of thought practices among senior family members, which results in loss of old practices and customs. Even though some are aware but they cannot practice due to lack of either time or proper direction. Here in Divya Garbh Sanskar, we provide proper direction and education for molding the baby you desire.