Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

What you would like to understand, what no one tells you before you get pregnant, is “Pregnancy is amazing, except when it’s not!” There are many strange things that happen to you during this miraculous time- come on, you’re growing a person’s being inside you for goodness sake-especially because your hormones are everywhere in the place. These hormonal changes can cause different [and often annoying] pregnancy symptoms all throughout your body. Here are the foremost common discomforts of pregnancy and the way you’ll navigate through them:

Morning Sickness

More than 60% of women will experience morning (and all day and night) sickness. the feeling of wanting to present (nausea) isn’t uncommon. Each woman is different; some will only feel the urge to vomit, and a few will actually vomit. Remarkably, the research scroller still cannot reliably pinpoint what actually causes morning sickness.

Most women will experience this charmer for less than the first trimester, while others will have the sensation they’re riding a 5-star rollercoaster throughout their entire pregnancy. the great news is that some research shows that ladies who experience morning sickness have children with higher IQs…feeling better about it already?

Lack of Energy/Lethargy / Fatigue

Another common symptom of pregnancy is how tired you are feeling, especially during your first and third trimesters (the second trimester is typically the “honeymoon” so enjoy it!). quite half of the pregnant mamas experience this symptom. most girls desire to find a hiding spot to curl up and take a nap.

Let’s not forget, your body is producing new hormones and making a lot of changes to organize for human creation, it takes a lot of work! You’re also producing more blood to hold nutrients to the baby causing increased effort for your heart and other organs. Mental and emotional stress also are reasons you’ll be feeling exhausted.

You may have difficulty sleeping later in your pregnancy thanks to multiple bathroom trips, leg cramps, and heartburn.

Fatigue is often a symbol of anemia, particularly from being iron-deficient. Your body needs iron to form hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that enables them to hold oxygen to your tissues and to your baby. consistent with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), your need for iron doubles to 27 mg during pregnancy thanks to the requirements of the baby, the extra blood produced by your body, and therefore the blood loss which will occur during delivery. Most prenatal vitamins contain enough iron to support this increased requirement (with the exception of gummies). to urge enough through food, eat iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry, fish (2-3 servings per week max), dried beans, peas, iron-fortified cereals, and prune juice.


The only heartburn you should feel is from the Extended Triangle Pose position during prenatal yoga! It can help relieve indigestion by the way.

Heartburn during pregnancy may be a doozy with quite 50% of girls experiencing this symptom, especially during the second and third trimesters. it’s not usually a sign of a significant problem, but it is often quite uncomfortable and even painful. esophageal reflux is usually called “acid reflux” or “heartburn.”

Indigestion is additionally common during pregnancy and may occur with heartburn. Also referred to as “dyspepsia,” indigestion is simply another name for indigestion. If you are feeling full, gassy, or bloated, you’ve got indigestion!

Heartburn occurs when gastric juices from your stomach are pushed up toward your esophagus (the pipe between your mouth and your stomach). This causes a burning sensation behind your breastbone or one that starts in your stomach and seems to get up. you’ll even have a sour taste in your mouth or a feeling that vomit is rising in your throat (as we said, pregnancy is amazing, except when it’s not!). It’s important to treat heartburn, as repeatedly it’ll cause you to not eat properly thanks to the pain, and if you’re not eating, your baby isn’t getting the right nutrition.


Don’t worry, you’re not alone- over 70% of ladies experience this discomfort at some point or another during their pregnancy. There are a couple of different things that cause constipation during pregnancy:

Thanks to your hormonal “free-for-all,” your digestive tract slows down (relaxes) to assist you to absorb all the vitamins and minerals that your new houseguest requires.

The uterus puts pressure on the intestines around it, causing further delays.

The increased iron found in your prenatal vitamins might be causing a serious backup too! ask your healthcare provider about other options (such as taking smaller doses throughout the day).

Bleeding Gums & Tooth Pain

Issues with oral health during pregnancy are overshadowed by a number of the more obvious symptoms, The symptoms included bleeding gums, toothache, and increased tooth sensitivity.

Only 57% of the ladies actually visited a dentist during their pregnancy. It’s important to go to your dentist during pregnancy because any infection within the oral cavity can have a negative effect on the health of your baby.

The most common oral discomfort pregnant women encountered was bleeding gums. this is often primarily thanks to the hormonal changes during pregnancy which make the gums sensitive to the presence of plaque. Bleeding gums, if left untreated, can cause periodontal disease (gingivitis). Many studies state that periodontal disease is often a possible risk for low birth weight babies. Bleeding gums also can cause a gingival recession which may cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures and make teeth more vulnerable to decay at the gum line. Your dentist can offer you suggestions on treatment and gentle tooth care.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches during pregnancy are often a result of hormonal changes, tension, congestion, constipation, lack of sleep, dehydration, low blood pressure, low blood glucose, and even caffeine withdrawal. In some cases, it’s caused by preeclampsia. . Preeclampsia (also called Toxemia) A strong headache within the second or third trimester could also be a symbol of preeclampsia or high vital sign during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is an uncommon condition affecting about five to ten percent of pregnancies. Headaches that are a result of preeclampsia are consistent, persistent, and throbbing. Mamas with preeclampsia can also have complaints of blurry vision or seeing spots, weight gain (more than one pound per day), pain within the upper right abdomen, and hands and face getting swollen. If you get a headache that’s out of the norm or you’re experiencing any of those symptoms, you ought to call your doctor or midwife directly.

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