What is Miscarriage
Miscarriage is a fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy. Miscarriage usually happens early in your pregnancy — 8 out of 10 miscarriages happen within the first 3 months.
Lots of people experience this type of pregnancy loss. In fact, 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. But although miscarriage is common, it may be emotionally difficult. Feelings of grief are normal after losing a pregnancy.
What are the causes of miscarriages?
It may be difficult to understand exactly why a miscarriage happened, but it’s almost never caused by something the pregnant person did. Normal activities like sex, exercise, working, and taking most medicines don’t cause a miscarriage.
Minor injuries, don’t generally cause a miscarriage either.
Some things this are known to cause miscarriages to include:
When the embryo has an abnormal number of chromosomes (genes). This happens randomly, so you can’t prevent it or cause it to happen.
Certain illnesses, like severe diabetes, can increase your chances of getting a miscarriage.
A very serious infection or a serious injury may cause miscarriage.
Late miscarriages — after 3 months — could also be caused by abnormalities within the uterus.
If you’ve had over 2 miscarriages during a row, you’re more likely to possess a miscarriage.
What are the various types of miscarriages?
There are several types of miscarriages:
Threatened miscarriage — you’ve got vaginal bleeding and should have mild cramps, but your cervix stays closed. half the time, the bleeding stops and your pregnancy goes on normally. the other half threatened miscarriages become inevitable miscarriages, and end in pregnancy loss.
Inevitable miscarriage — you’ve got increasing bleeding, and your cervix opens. If this happens, there’s no chance for your pregnancy to continue.
Incomplete miscarriage — a number of the pregnancy tissue comes out of your uterus, and a few stays inside. you’ll need follow-up treatment to get rid of the remaining tissue.
Complete miscarriage — All the tissue comes out of your uterus. you always don’t need any extra treatment.
Missed miscarriage — you’ve got no cramps or bleeding. But sonography shows an embryo without a heartbeat or an empty pregnancy sac without an embryo. Usually, the tissue passes on its own, but you’ll need treatment.
Treatments for miscarriage include medicines or procedures that are very almost like those used for abortion. During aspiration, a nurse or doctor puts a skinny plastic tube in your uterus and removes the pregnancy tissue with gentle suction.
Miscarriages are often dangerous if they’re not treated. Contact your gynecologist if you’ve got any signs or symptoms of miscarriage.