Tag Archives: Ectopic Pregnancy

Pregnancy complications: Ectopic Pregnancy


In this article, you will learn about Ectopic

pregnancy: an introduction Ectopic pregnancy:

Causes Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms

Ectopic pregnancy: who are at higher risks?

Ectopic pregnancy: ectopic pregnancy diagnosed

Ectopic pregnancy: an introduction

Ectopic pregnancy is referred to the fertilization of the egg that happens anywhere other than the uterus, many times the site is none other than the fallopian tube. Therefore sometimes it is also known as tubal pregnancy. The fallopian tube is not designed to hold a baby: that’s why it is required to be treated. For growth of embryo (baby), the fertilized egg must be in the uterus only. This complication is common about 1 out of 50 pregnant women experience it.

Ectopic pregnancy: Causes

If you will look at the causes of ectopic pregnancy you will find there are more than one causes or two and more cause and act at the same time.

Here is the list of them-

  1. Any infection in the fallopian tube which can result in blocking the fallopian tube partial or complete. This blockage didn’t allow the fertilized egg to travel down in the uterus and cause ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Sometimes a scar tissue from a previous surgical procedure or an infection produce barrier in the pathway of the fertilized egg and block the tube, therefore, the embryo doesn’t travel down and you experience the ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Surgery in the pelvic area of your body or in the fallopian tube causes the adhesion of the fertilized egg over there.
  4. If you have a defect in the fallopian tube or any abnormality in its shape it also results in tubal pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms

You will experience the normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy with one or more symptoms listed below:

  1. The very first symptom is the sharp stabbing pain in pelvis or abdomen. Sometimes the pain can also be observed in neck and shoulder because the blood travels up under the diaphragm from the ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The intensity of pain may be varied and it may come and go.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. One may get faint.
  4. You will experience the weakness.
  5. Vaginal bleeding, it may be heavy or lighter than normal period.
  6. Upset stomach or other gastrointestinal infection symptoms.

If you are experiencing any of the symptom or sharp pain in the abdomen do contact your doctor immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy: who are at higher risks?

If one belongs to any of the following categories then the chances of tubal pregnancy are higher in them in comparison to the other one.

  1. If the age of pregnant lady is between 35 to 44 years.
  2. You have already been victim of ectopic pregnancy
  3. If one had been through abdominal surgery or have history of pelvic surgery
  4. If one has pelvic inflammatory disorder or disease.
  5. History of induced abortions.
  6. Conceiving from the tubal ligation.
  7. Smoking habits are very much responsible for ectopic pregnancy
  8. If you are on fertility medication or had been.

Ectopic pregnancy: ectopic pregnancy diagnosed

  1. The tubal pregnancy is diagnosed by the doctor, he first examines pelvic region of your body to locate the pain, tenderness or any mass in your abdomen.
  2. The doctor will use the ultrasound report to locate the position of the embryo.
  3. The doctor will be asking for some hormone test like progesterone, low level of progesterone suspect the tubal pregnancy.
  4. Another very important factor for testing the ectopic pregnancy is the level of hCG in your body. Low level of hCG may be the result of tubal pregnancy.