Tag Archives: Divya Garbh Sanskar

Planning Your Pregnancy- See What Doctors Recommend

Check Top 5 Recommendations from Doctors

Planning your pregnancy or trying to get pregnant is a different feeling altogether. Becoming a
mother is one the most beautiful feeling a woman can experience in her lifetime. But sometimes,
women are seen facing problems while trying to conceive. There might be many factors that
affect it but the most common are – age and lifestyle. We have compiled a list of changes you
need to make in your lifestyle that is recommended by various doctors. These changes will help
you in having a healthy and normal delivery.

Improve your diet

Do you know that food and fertility are linked together? So it’s better to eat a healthy diet before
trying to conceive. Women need to increase their intake by having more fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and calcium-rich foods such as yoghurt, cheese, and milk every day. While men
need to take zinc, vitamins C and E, and folic acid for making the healthy sperm.

Quit alcohol and smoking

Yes, cutting back on alcohol and smoking can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Every
gynaecologist suggests cutting these back. If you are pregnant then stop being around people
who smoke because passively smoking is as bad as actively smoking. There are reports that
suggest that because of passive smoking people have suffered miscarriages.

Start taking vitamins

It’s important to start taking prenatal vitamins when you are trying to conceive because of the
baby's neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of
pregnancy. Keeping that in mind it's important that you get essential nutrients, like iron, folic
acid, and calcium from the very start.

Don’t overdo on caffeine

It is recommended by doctors to take the minimum amount of caffeine in daily life. Drinking few
cups of coffee or tea every day will increase your blood pressure and heart rate. Caffeine is
present not only in tea or coffee, it is also there in chocolate, sodas, and even certain medicines.

Join parenting classes

There is a proverb that says ‘incomplete knowledge is a dangerous thing’ and it’s absolutely correct.
Before becoming a mother or getting pregnant women should have proper knowledge about
everything. From giving a birth to taking care of their child. We recommend you to take online
classes or join a course with us to get useful information that will help you and your child.

Diagnosis of the bleeding during pregnancy

Garbh Sanskar

The bleeding during the pregnancy can be diagnosed by following ways:

  1. Physical examination
  2. Lab test
  3. Ultrasound

Once you get to your doctor he will start the medical evaluation by asking you about your medical history followed by the physical examination of your body. In medical history, he may ask you about your previous pregnancy if you had been to Caesarean delivery or any complications in pregnancy. He may also ask for any kind of pelvic surgery you had gone through any. Your medical advisor may also ask for your habits related to smoking or you had been to any recent trauma.

Physical examination:

The first thing that your physician will do is you evaluate your body about how sick you are because of bleeding. This can be done by observing your vital signs like pulse rate and blood pressure. The physician will do the analysis of blood loss cause of bleeding by evaluating your skin color.

  1. Pelvic examination along with abdomen to check for any tenderness and the size of your uterus.
  2. The quality and quantity of your abdominal pain. And how frequently you experience it. He will do the assessment of the same.
  3. Vaginal examination and vaginal bleeding characteristics like – color, quantity, and quality.
  4. Abnormality in the uterus shape and size.

Laboratory diagnosis:

Once the physical examination will be performed your physician will ask you for lab tests. There is a number of tests that routinely obtained. They are

  1. Pregnancy Test
    – The physician will perform the pregnancy test to check whether you are pregnant or not. 
  2. Urine analysis
    Urine tests very sensitive for detection of pregnancy. It is also helpful for diagnosis of urinary tract infections. An infection in the urinary tract may lead to miscarriage. Urinary infection is common at the time pr pregnancy many women do have the urinary infection even without any symptoms. 
  3. Blood type, Rh factor, and Complete blood count test
    Your blood type analysis will be performed with Rh factor examination. It is very necessary to avoid complications in pregnancy like if you are negative and the daddy is positive then your body will start making antibodies and next time when you get pregnant then these antibodies will harm the baby. If it is detected in the first pregnancy it can be treated. Blood count test is necessary to evaluate the total blood loss that has occurred. 
  4. Blood hormone test for pregnancy
    Blood hormone test is required for the analysis of pregnancy whether it is normal or abnormal. The level of different hormone in blood state the status of the healthy pregnancy in the women.


  • Ultrasound is very useful to determine the health of baby inside there. Ultrasound is the technique of forming the image using sound waves.
  • Ultrasound help in detecting the tubal pregnancy and it can also estimate the blood in pelvic and can help in detecting the rapture fallopian tube.
  • It helps in evaluating the placenta previa and placental abruption. Ultrasound is the very best source to detect the placental abruptions.
  • Ultrasound is also useful in detecting the fetal bleeding for this purpose Doppler a special type of ultrasound is been used it can detect the blood flow within the blood vessels.

How to develop bond between mother and unborn baby

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In this article, you will learn about….

What makes mother and baby bond so Important.

Know how to develop the mother-baby bond.

Effects of the mother-baby bond on the Baby and the mother.

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What makes mother and baby bond so Important?

Every mom wants her baby to know that she loves the baby and will protect him always. She wants her unborn baby to feel that the baby is safe with her and she will make sure that the baby will be happy and healthy.

There is a well-known phrase that “God cannot be everywhere so he created the mother.” But how would a mother be known what her baby needs when the baby even can’t express themselves can’t speak or use sign language. That’s where mother and baby bonds work. Mother known’s exactly when the baby needs food, is the baby crying cause of hunger or from pain.

The mother-baby bond is utmost important. In the womb, babies are the reflection of the mommy’s mental and emotional state, they learn from mom’s mental state. It’s the brain of the mother which reforms the brain of the baby, his thought patterns his likes and dislikes.

For example, if the mom is happy and clam the baby also experience the same wonderful emotions and if she is hurt or scared the heart rate of the baby could be double.

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Know how develop mother-baby bond?

While there are a number of ways to develop and strengthen this mother baby-bond. I’m listing here some easier and best of them.

  1. Prenatal massage-
    Prenatal massage enables you to feel the womb in your body and so the baby you feel more connected to the baby then.
  2. Talking to the unborn baby-
    This is the easiest way to develop the bond with your baby. Start communication with the baby. You can teach or introduce the baby to the surrounding environment. Ask the baby about his choices for food or color. What are your expectations from baby? Narrate him stories. In no time you will start feeling that baby in the womb do react. The baby actually reacts. You will learn the likes and dislikes of the baby.
  3. Singing for the baby, and playing soothing music
    Music is the best therapy to heal and clam yourself it will not only calm yourself but your baby as well. Make sure to play soothing music not the noise.
  4. Meditation
    Meditation is the best way to communicate with the baby. It will enable you to visualize the baby and your bond with the same. Mediation not only helps you to develop the bond with the bay but also it helps you to ease in the labor. It provides physical strength to the baby and you as well.

Divya Garbh Sanskar

Effects of the mother-baby bond on the Baby and the mother.

  1. Better understanding between the mother and the baby.
  2. It develops the baby’s brain and emotions in the more positive way.
  3. It soothes him/her when antsy.
  4. It nourishes an unborn baby health and happiness.
  5. Baby get tuned with mother’s mental and emotional state.